Booking System
As from 14th September, Nyewood Ponds & Harting Coombe (Day Session Only) shall be removed from the booking system and members are no longer required to book in.
Bopeep will remain on the booking system, along with Harting Coombe Night sessions.
Members booking in for a night session on Harting Coombe, may only book for a 24 hour session from Fridays-Sundays and a maximum 48 hour session from Mondays-Thursdays, with a 48 hour break between both the 24 & 48 hour sessions.
We will start to relax on start & finish times of sessions, but those found extending their stay will risk a 4 week ban or longer.
Guest Tickets
Guest tickets are no longer available for the remainder of the season, this includes night fishing on Harting Coombe.
All persons on all Pdac waters must be registered with the club, those found not to be will be asked to leave. We will no longer accept friends or non fishing guests on the waters.
Nyewood Top Pond
Wednesday 9th September, the top pond will be closed to members due to a private booking.
Temporary Rule
Keepnets are not permitted on Harting Coombe, Nyewood Ponds & Bopeep, unless a bonafide match
No Groundbait of any sort to be used on Bopeep.
Scheduled Matches
Members are advised to check the website for cancellations or postponements of any matches, so not to be disappointed on arrival of the waters.
Match Cancellation
The silverfish match scheduled for 13th Sept. on Harting Coombe has been cancelled.
Bailiff Checks/Braid
We are now receiving more reports of members using Braid on Nyewoods Ponds & Bopeep, therefore club bailiffs have now been instructed to carry out rig checks.
Any member found to be using any form of braid mainline or Hooklinks will face disciplinary action.
The Pdac.
