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Members Notice

We feel the need to remind members of rules that are set in place.

We have a strict policy with our Land owners & Insurers that all members and their families must be registered as members to meet our insurance policy.

Those that choose to bring along family members that are not registered, are not covered by the clubs insurance and do not meet the agreement set out by the land owner and therefor trespassing.

We urge you to register your family and be protected by our insurance at all times.

Please can members remember that a booking system is set in place to monitor and prevent overcrowding during this pandemic, some of you have already been turned away...please use the booking system to avoid any disappointment.

Keep all gates shut and locked after use....reports coming in that members are leaving gates open.

Braided line & hook links are banned...reports of braided hook links found on Nyewood....please stop using it!!!

Please ensure all nets are dry before entering any Pdac water.

The Pdac.

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