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Chairman's Chat 

A brief look back on the past few weeks and the weeks  ahead with Steve Chapman

Novembers 2021 Chairman's Chat


As I am sitting here putting together this months chat the rain is drumming methodically on the window next to me, the weather is changing and this means that the rivers will be up and our still waters will be getting there first flushes of colder water. Fish will be grouping up and settling in to their winter haunts, but until the real colder weather hits there is still time for a specimen or two.


Time now for those who like Perch and Pike to give our waters a go, BoPeep, East Pond and Nyewood are known to hold perch over two pounds, and Coombe has pike well over 20lbs to target.


To all you members out there lets have some pictures of your captures this time of year, fish change into their winter colours and look magnificent, so lets see them.


We are still hoping to carry out some work on the waters through the winter months weather permitting so please keep and eye on the Facebook page and website for details.


I have had confirmed reports of the gate lock being left open at Coombe, please can I remind you all that this lock must be kept locked at all times, so please remember to lock it when you enter or leave the pond.


I would like to welcome all the half year members that have joined us in the last few weeks, we seem to have a few more Carp and Pike anglers; so hope that any fish caught are photographed and we see some pictures sent in. 


As you are all aware Covid cases are rising again and we will keep a close eye on the government recommendations. At this time all our waters will remain open with no restrictions.


We will be holding the Christmas match as normal on Nyewood Ponds on the 19th Dec weather permitting, if you would like to fish please contact Andy Reed to get your name down.


Looking a bit further forward to the 2022 AGM in March please remember that if you want to raise any issues or changes to the rules these must be received in writing by Sunday 30th January to be included in the agenda for the meeting,


Hope to see some of you at the Christmas match, 



Tight Lines


Steve Chapman


PDAC Chairman

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