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Chairman's Chat 

A brief look back on the past few weeks and the weeks  ahead with Steve Chapman

Chairman’s Christmas Chat 2021

As another year draws to a close, I look back at what we have had to endure during 2021 and hoping that 2022 gives us all a bit more freedom and hope for all of our future plans.


2022 will be our 90th anniversary and we are looking to plan some celebrations to mark this event so stay in touch.

With the new Covid variant starting to spread I would ask all members to just be carful when they are out fishing and although we are in the fresh air just be considerate to your fellow anglers.

Unfortunately, I have not been out on the bank for a while due to a house move but cannot wait now to the Christmas break to spend a few days fishing.


I am sure that I will see some of you at the PDAC Christmas match being held on the 19th at Sumners Ponds, looking forward to the fishing and the normal Christmas banter. Please remember that if you are fishing to bring a prize for the draw.


Looking at a few catch reports I have seen the weather has not been kind to the waters, with some days better that others, that said this is the challenge of winter fishing so keep at it and let us know what you are catching we are always pleased to hear from you.

Coombe is still producing the odd carp, a couple of the regulars have had some success, over the last couple of weeks we have seen Ady Thomas with a new 30lb plus fish in Red Line and Mike Walsh with one of the younger fish close to 20lbs and another of 21lbs. I have seen the pictures of these fish in the winter colours are stunning.


I know it’s a bit early to mention but we are hoping to have the AGM next year as planned please if you have any suggestions, rules changes or comments to put forward at the meeting get them to us in writing so that we can add them to the agenda and they do not get missed.

Looking forward we hope to build on the success of last years family fun days and do these again in 2022. We are also pleased to have Kris Collins training to get his coaching qualifications level 2 to help with this.


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all the committee, volunteers and helpers that have given their time though out this year at all of our events and work parties, without them we could not function as a club. Hopefully we can get more of you out in 2022.


Finally, I would just like to wish you all a Happy Safe Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.


Steve Chapman  PDAC Chairman

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