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Chairman's Chat 

A brief look back on the past few weeks and the weeks  ahead with Steve Chapman

End of Year Chairmans Chat


As 2021 draws to a close I would just like to look back at the year and pass on my thanks to all of you for again supporting our club with your membership, it has again maintained a healthy level, but with the added bonus of more juniors and juveniles in the club for many years. This rise in under 16 memberships has been achieved by the fantastic family fun days we had and with the support of all the volunteers over the weekend which delivered an uplift of kids joining along with their parents to enjoy what our sport has to offer.


I would also like to pass on my thanks to all of the committee members, bailiffs and volunteers that help to keep the club going and with a special thanks to Andy Reed who continues to build a fantastic match scene with more and more members becoming part of this side of our club.


Moving into 2022 we will be looking for volunteers to join our bailiff team so please keep an eye out for the notices and if you think you can help out please contact us through the normal channels.


We have planned to do so major works at Coombe in January so barring bad weather we will be closing Coombe for 5 days from Monday 10th Jan at 8.00am until Sat 16th Jan at 8.00am.

These works will include rebuilding pegs 3 to 6 on the bridge bank and also raising the path and surrounding areas between pegs 9 to the bridge.

The reason for the closure is to allow machinery etc to be used safely and we will also have plant and materials in the car park area.

Also once reopened pegs 1 down to 6 will be closed for another week at least to allow them to settle before we use them.


With the ongoing Covid situation the committee will be monitoring what the government rules will allow as our AGM draws closer but fingers crossed it will go ahead as planned, again keep your eye on the website ans social media for any notifications about this.

In the meantime, all motions, nominations or matters for consideration for the AGM should be notified to the Secretary ( in writing with its proposer and seconder, at least 21 days prior to the meeting or release of the Agenda.


Lastly just like to mention that the Christmas match did go ahead although we had to move it due to the car park works at Nyewood. It was held at Sumners Ponds Horsham and I believe everyone caught on the day, Paul Etherington won the day with just under 100lbs with yours truly coming second with 43lbs plus,



I would personally just like to wish you all a very Happy and Safe Christmas and let’s Hope 2022 brings back a sense of normality,


Steve Chapman  PDAC Chairman

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