Booking System
Please read the following before booking to avoid any disappointment
This booking system is set in place for members to book day sessions on East Pond and night sessions on Harting Coombe only.
All other venues do not require members to book in.
How do I book?
You simply sign up to the members area on this site with a valid membership number, once your account has been approved (allow up to 24 hours), you will have access to the booking platform.
Select the venue, then date and a slot that you wish to fish,
Agree to the rules that have been set by the Pdac.
Fill in all of the required fields and submit your booking
How will I know that my booking has been confirmed?
You will receive an email confirming your booking.
Do I need to show my booking to the Bailiff?
We advise members to carry a print out or show the email from your phone of the booking to the bailiff if required.
Members must carry their valid permit at all times, and display their parking permits.
Do I need to do anything else?
No, you are good to go!
Can I get help if I require it?
Only if you have difficulties with the system, we advise members to use the booking system, a phone call will not speed up your booking.
Pdac Booking Support: 07930 155238 open 10am-4pm
Can i book a 24hr session on Harting Combe?
You are required to book a 12hr night session, members fishing 24 hours must wait another 24 hours before booking again (subject to availability).
Can i book a 48hr session on Harting Combe?
You may book a 48hr session from Monday to Thursdays, you must also wait another 48hrs before your next session.
How many rods can i use on Harting Combe?
Members may only use 2 rods at all times.
Can i book on Harting Combe with a Junior member from my family?
Yes, Adult + Junior member in same swim, 2 rods between them.
Can i book a guest in to fish?
Guests are not permitted.
How many days in advance can i book?
7 days only
How late can i make a booking?
An hour before the session starts, if allocations remain.
Can i cancel my booking at anytime?
Yes, we advise members that if they are not likely to make their booking, to cancel, and then the allocation will return to the system.
Can i book another member in?
No, members must create their own account and book their own allocations.
Can a Junior member place a booking?
No, Juniors will require an Adult or Associate member to place the bookings. (Juniors/Juveniles may only fish within a family booking in the same swim).
Juniors doubling up on Harting Combe with an adult, may only use 2 rods between them.