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Members Catch Report

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

Pdac member Kris Collins spent a few hours down on Harting Combe today, and ended the his session with a nice mixed bag at 47lbs 12ozs.

Kris Says

I enjoyed a good few hours on Harting, switching from double red maggots to worm throughout on the feeder.

Picking off a few Bream averaging from 3 to 4lbs, and one topping at 6lbs 14ozs, a Tench at 4lb 14ozs and a nice little Jack at about a 1lb from the pole with double maggots.

I enjoyed a great session, and hope to have some success on Nyewood tomorrow, bagging up on silvers.

The Pdac says.

Great work Kris, keep the reports and photos coming in, we love to know how our members are fishing on the club waters.

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